Birds of Relocation

I think I first saw the name Eric Peters in a tweet from Andrew Peterson (you can never go wrong with his recommendations!); from there I somehow stumbled upon the rave reviews of his latest album, Birds of Relocation, and with people saying Peters’ music landed somewhere between Andrew Peterson and Jason Gray in many ways, I knew I would like it… and I was right.

I’ve been listening to this album constantly for the past couple months since I got it, even with other excellent new releases here and there (seriously, of the folks who listened to them who wasn’t totally thrilled with the new Jars of Clay and Derek Webb albums? So good!). It’s sometimes melancholy, often upbeat, usually catchy, and always hopeful. Peters possesses a similar lyrical prowess to songwriters like Andrew Peterson who are able to communicate their joys and struggles in such a beautifully poetic way. For instance, on “The Old Year (of Denial),” he sings, “I’m gonna live like a living soul
 / Gonna write it on my wretched bones
 / And stop waiting for happily ever after.” Meanwhile, in the stunning “Voices” he sings, “Everything about my weakness that is strong
 / Everything about the heart that could go wrong
 / Every hope that ever lived there but has since flown / 
I’m finding again, finding again.” I love the concept of the album too, that like birds who relocate for the harsh season of the year, we too can always “relocate on boughs of hope” and say goodbye to our sin and fears through Christ’s saving work in us. I also appreciate the reminder that although the journey can be treacherous and difficult, “the sky must be enjoyed.”

I do hope you’ll give this album a chance. It’s not on Spotify or YouTube or anything, you’d actually have to buy it (GASP!), but seriously, this album is SO worth your money ($9 to be exact, if you go to Amazon MP3). If you want to check out a couple standout tracks first, I’d especially recommend “Voices,” “Lost and Found,” and “No Stone Unturned.” However, my favorite moment on the album is definitely at the very end of the last track, “Fighting For Life;” I’ll leave you with those lyrics:

I go into the darkness carrying a light
I will have no fear because I’m not alone
I got angels’ voices and friends who love me for who I am
So when the waters come
I fly above this flooded earth looking for a sign of life
And I relocate on boughs of hope,
Like a living soul, remembering that
In a little while, in a little while
The ghosts return to noise
Ooh, but not right now, not right now
The sky must be enjoyed.

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